Friday, March 03, 2006

The Traveling Rant.

Pet peeve: have you ever noticed how everyone and their mother puts "traveling" under their interests or hobbies? Who exactly are all these amazing pioneers who haven't even reached the drinking age (that's 21 for all you non-Americans and college kids out there) yet? I mean, sure, I bet we would all like to travel, but who among us actually does it often enough to say "yeah, I've got a lot of hobbies: I like golfing, finger-painting, poetry, and a couple times a week I like to travel... oh, to Europe mostly." So, is it really a hobby, or is it more of a goal? I will admit, I am guilty of putting some similarly annoying and arbitrary hobbies on my list, like saying I enjoy watching movies. Who doesn't? Everyone puts that on their interests list. To rip off the comic, Dane Cook: "Who doesn't like movies? Who has ever said, 'Hey, you wanna go see a movie?' 'Fuck that and fuck you, movies! The whole idea of it, it's just wrong and fake and no.'" (Thanks, Dane, you had me in hysterics with that bit.) But at least I'm actually doing that activity which I claim as a pastime!

Prove it to me. Prove to me that you love traveling and that you actually do it. I want to see the photographs of you enjoying international foods with international people, and I want to see your plane and train ticket stubs, too. If you can't, then take that damn "traveling" off of your list. And don't get all cute and technical -- "travel" means the same thing as "traveling."

Or maybe I'm just bitter because you're all traveling and I'm not.

It's the same thing with writing. Don't tell me you're a writer, so when I say, "Great! I would love to see what you've written," your reply is "Well, uh, I haven't actually written anything yet." If you don't write, then you are NOT a writer. Get it? A writer is a very special thing... I aspire to be a writer, but I certainly don't feel ready to call myself one at this point. Don't sully the name of that calling, just because you want to sound cool at a bar. I can't begin to tell you how many "screenwriters" are out here.

1 comment:

Dabbler said...

Actually, I made no distinction regarding modes of transportation. I agree with you, that the journey itself is part of the goal, and not merely the destination; however, I take issue with anyone who claims driving to the local quickstop and then back home to be "traveling." My rant was directed towards those who talk about exploring, yet never actually do it, and still claim that it's one of their favorite pastimes.