Thursday, May 11, 2006

Le Plan.

Bonjour! Since le French is le national language of le country in which I will be stationed, I have begun brushing up on my language skills in order to better my chances of le survival (and of le sexy conversation). I am proud to say that at this point I have mastered le words “the cat,” “the table,” “the man,” and “the woman”; as well as le phrases “the cat is on the table”, and “the man is on the woman.” This is going to be easy as pie - or as the French would say, easy as le pie.

For those of you who have asked, the country I will be volunteering in is Burkina Faso, a small, landlocked state in West Africa, just above Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. It is one of the 5 poorest nations in the world; interestingly, however, its capital Ouagadougou is the home of FESPACO, which is (to quote Wikipedia) the biggest regular cultural event on the African continent. It is also the largest film festival on the continent... which strikes your humble Dabbler as a coincidence of some note, that, upon quitting his job at a Hollywood agency, he should be assigned here of all places. Perhaps he shall, in the future, help pave the way for the company's West African office. What? Too sinister and opportunistic for a Peace Corps volunteer to be considering, you say? Perhaps you are right. Still, I am looking forward to checking out this event in Burkina's capital city next February!

In the more immediate future, on Friday I will be driving down to New York City, where I plan to catch up with all the good friends I have missed since moving to California; I will perhaps also be meeting some of the new friends I have made through writing this blog, such as the great minds behind Tales of a Delectable Redhead and This is What We Do Now. Sadly, I will be missing White Dade, as he concludes his own series of Big Apple adventures just a day before I swing into town. Dade, I will be drinking an extra glass of beer (or 3) in your honor. Dear Readers, I honestly cannot wait to return to NYC, and once again shove my way through the crowded streets, glowering at everyone I pass as I blast music through my iPod. By the way, here's a quick iPod tip to anyone visiting the City: go to Grand Central during rush hour, and play the song "Brazil" while watching everyone bustle past you. Trust me, you will understand if you try it. Perfect soundtrack.


Tiffanie said...

You lead an exciting life. Can't wait to read of your tales of what happens in NY.

Is it sync'd yet? said...

Do yourself a favor. Goto 23rd and 3rd to Molli's Grill and get a Cheeseburger, fries, and a Bass Beer. Sit down and enjoy one of the best cheeseburgers I have ever had the pleasure of helping shuffle of the earth. I miss living in NYC...


White Dade said...

Brilliant minds? Yeah, you'll be changing your tune as soon as you meet them in person, trust me. What kind of genius slices his finder open cutting a lime or passes out at a booth at Happy Endings? Have fun with those kids, though. They're good people. And watch out for Heather.

Betty said...

Who are you to judge? You wore a visor all weekend, beach boy.

jin said...

le plan sounds le good. I also hear there are some incredibly wonderful le pastries in le Africa. Should you happen to find any, you MUST take pics for moi & explain le flavours in extreme detail or I will be le pissed!

White Dade said...

Do not knock the visor. It is my only way of hiding my horribly, horribly receding hairline.

T.A.N. said...

I like that you're learning words for "le sexy conversation" and those words are "the cat" "the table" "the man"

i guess it puts a lot of pressure on saying these things le sexily ...

nice meeting by the way ...

don't get AIDS in Africa

Tiffanie said...

Where ARE you oh great Dabbler? Waiting for an update.