Friday, February 24, 2006


Here's the fall-out from my Peace Corps situation, o captive audience...

I decided to turn down the assignment to Georgia, did it this morning. Had a suprisingly good chat with the placement officer, and it looks like I am instead going to be considered for community development positions in Africa. In spite of my earlier venom, I did put a lot of thought into this: Georgia's lands look beautiful, and the culture is really interesting (I did a TON of research over the last week), but it's too close to a volatile area right now. Parts of Africa may not be the safest places either, but several countries around Georgia have a hatred that seems reserved specifically for Americans. Chances are I would be perfectly safe, but we are literally talking about my life, so I thought it best to walk away. Besides, it's not like I'm not doing the Peace Corps, I'm just going to a different area (I hope). Perhaps in my vacation time I can backpack in Europe instead.

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